Friday, November 11, 2011

He is Mighty and Moving.

There are so many things to write about. So many. But I will stick with just one for now because I don’t want to forget it, or forget how God is mighty and moving.

I have taken on a minor: Global Poverty.

A few weeks ago I was trying to decide if I should take on this minor or any for that matter. I talked to Jesus about it and was trying to figure out if this is where He wanted me to go with my education. When signing up for classes I discovered that I would not be able to register for classes full time in my major of Public Health because all the upper electives for health were already full. Bummer. But this meant that in order to stay full time and not just take random classes I would be able to take on this minor and have the classes count for something!

God: my child, I want you to take on this minor. I have made it possible for you.

Once I declared the minor, there seemed to be so many different opportunities to learn more about what I could use it for. God has placed advocacy on my heart lately. I feel he is leading me to be an advocate for something, but I am unsure for what exactly. Then all these events started coming up.
- This past Sunday was Orphan Sunday and there was an event for orphan advocacy at a friend’s church. Say what, Jesus?
- Next Wednesday there is an event about advocating, organizing and creating change in Maryland’s homeless population; specifically Baltimore.
- Next Saturday there is an event about being able to make in impact through social justice and about how much mercy matters. There are several organizations going to be there that, get this, are organizations where I can intern at for the global poverty minor: Bread for the World, World Vision, and others. And get this also, Cru is helping to host this event. Wait, Jesus, really really?

This Saturday a few friends are getting together to go to Baltimore to hang out for the day. Brianna said that we should make sandwiches to take for the homeless. She said that whenever she goes down to Baltimore she hurts for the homeless and wants to be able to share with them what we have. - wait, what? Isn’t there an event about this on Wednesday?! Oh Jesus, we are able to put this into action already.

I have been praying and seeking the Lords wisdom in what I should do with my summer next year. I came across this wonderful internship with Compassion International in Colorado. Fantastic opportunity because it goes perfectly with my major of Public health and minor of global poverty and it’s a paid internship! Only problem is that the minimum GPA to apply is 3.2. Meaning I have to get 2 A’s and 2 B’s this semester for it to happen. It’s possible, but I have to work my butt off.

Then I get an email from Cru saying that my name has been passed on as someone who may have an interest in going on Cru’s Summer-In-The-City Project. How my name got passed on, only God know. Such timing, huh? You spend the summer in an inner city ministering to the poor yet having hands on opportunities to help with poverty, racial reconciliation, and cross cultural understanding. This I am very unsure about, but am definitely praying it through. This email also comes at a time when I am deciding on whether or not to take a 5th class next semester. A class about this very topic. Public Health in the City: Global & Domestic Perspectives on Health in the Urban Environment. Wait, say what?

This morning I was talking over with Jesus on whether or not I should take this class. I was thinking against taking it because I felt that my heart was not that passionate about it, and in order for me to spend time doing something I have to be passionate about it for me to be any bit successful. I was asking God to give my heart a passion for this area or direct my passion elsewhere.

Right after I was asking Jesus to allow me to hear what he has to say and listen to him, something popped into my head. What do you have to do to be passionate about something? Learn more about it! And to learn more about it you have to study it. You study to learn more about a topic. And as you learn more you become passionate about the topic.

God totally answered my question on whether or not to take this class.

He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humble with your God. - Micah 6:8

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