Friday, September 11, 2009

Taking the easy way out.

There is a women currently sitting at another table across the room at the coffee shop. As she is drinking her frappe, she is talking on the phone with her friend. This woman is telling her friend that she is going to buy a certain weight loss product because since sales on that product are skyrocketing, it must work.

She is continuing to talking about it, saying how 80% of the people taking this particular product lost an additional 5 pounds more in a certain time frame without exercising or dieting, just by taking the product.

She wants the easy way out. She wants to lose weight but doesn’t want to do any work.

Aren’t we all like that? It might not specifically be with weight, but I assure you, we all have something that we want without going through the work of getting there.

I am sitting here attempting to work on a case study that is due on Monday for pathophysiology, and I don’t want to do it. I want the A in the class, of course, but if I am not willing to do the work, I know that I won’t get that A.

I need some motivation to get me through this semester. Unlike a weight loss product that you can take to somewhat make you lose weight, there is no such product to make you somewhat get an A.

Motivation, where are you?

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