I have come to absolutely love snow days. They are some of my favorite days. The best feeling of days such as these is not the excitement of seeing the snow fall, not the pleasure of doing nothing, but the thrilling feeling I get when my phone buzzes with a text from school saying that classes are canceled for the day. Now that is what makes snow days the best.
Last week I went to a Newsboys concert with some friends from school. It was freakin' amazing! I helped set up for the concert and got $100 for doing it, too. You would never realize how much work setting up a concert actually is.
During a lull, I got talking with a guy that was also setting up. He said that he was from a drug recovery program. He was addicted to PCP and had been sober for 18 months. This program, he told me, lends guys out to help set up for concerts. Ricky said that he has helped out with Newsboys, Building 429, Zoegirl, and others. Ricky's personality is so much like Grandpa's that it is uncanny. Cracking jokes and whose whole goal is to make people laugh and help others.
We got our own private concert during the sound check that happened after everything was set up. See those three screens? Chris and I put 2 of them together, and man are they hard to do. The canvas screen stretched across the frame and snapped down, which is just like putting our swimming pool cover on out pool. During the concert I was just waiting for some snaps to come undone. Haha. No worries, nothing happened.
Michael Tate from DC talk came out and sang a few songs with the Newsboys. He was also the guy that sang the songs during the sound check. Amazing voice.
They made smoke too. It was freezing, or so said Ricky.
And just because the concert wasn't awesome enough, they had a platform for the drums that rose up and revolved! Amazing!

And at the end of the night, no screens fell apart. Success!
Sounds like you had fun--- and you earned some money too! Awesome!
If you would like to order a scarf, please email me at thereed8 at yahoo.com.
sooooo I was JUST listening to Newsboys this afternoon (while baking :-) and I heard the lyrics that are your post title! I had no idea that they were from a Newsboys song until then, but as they sang them (even right before), I though-- that's Rebecca's blog post title!
I need to get away from my computer more, apparently!
love you lots! <333
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